Parafuso para concreto UltraCut FBS II US
O parafuso para concreto de alto desempenho para uma facilidade de fixação absoluta.
Parafuso para concreto UltraCut FBS II US

Suas vantagens num piscar de olhos

High flexibility and a precise adaption:
The first concrete screw with diameter 6 mm and variable embedment depths enables high flexibility and a precise adaption on the loads.
Opção 1 de avaliação do ETA:
Aprovação (ETA), que abrange a ancoragem de ponto único em concreto fissurado
Additional safety standards
The first 6 mm diameter concrete screw with an ETA assessment for the C1 seismic performance category for additional safety standards.
Zulassung für Mehrfachverankerung von nichttragenden Systemen:
Die Betonschraube ULTRACUT FBS II 6 gvz besitzt die Zulassung für die Mehrfachverankerung von nichttragenden Systemen und ist damit ideal für die Verankerung von Rohrleitungen und Kabeltrassen in Spannbetonhohldecken geeignet.
Special features for vertical installation:
Drill holes do not need to be cleaned during vertical installation (ceiling and floor).
Formatos de cabeça
Vários formatos de cabeça, para uma vasta gama de aplicações.
Approved adjustment:
The approved adjustment for the concrete screws allows the screw to be unscrewed twice to place packing below the base plate head or to align the attached part, and then to tighten the screw again.

ETA compliant application in masonry

The fischer concrete screws FBS II 6-10 offer the innovative possibility for the ETA compliant application in masonry. This grants high security not only in concrete but also in many other applications in other substrates.  


UltraCut FBS II
Concrete-concrete connector: ULTRACUT FBS II zinc-plated steel with the Setting tool SC-ST
fischer concrete screw UltraCut FBS II 6 zinc-plated steel with diameter 6

Vários formatos de cabeça, para uma vasta gama de aplicações

Três profundidades de aparafusamento

Utilizando o exemplo: FBS II 10x100 45/35/15 US

Carga de tensão dependente da profundidade de aparafusamento

  • carga reduzida 4,29 kN e 45 mm de comprimento utilizável
  • carga média 5,71 kN e 35 mm de comprimento utilizável
  • carga elevada 9,61 kN e 15 mm de comprimento utilizável
Flexible anchorage depths


Mounting channels

Perforated tapes

Prestressed hollow concrete ceilings
